Best Weed Killers UK


Do you need the best possible Weed Killer for your garden over the next few days? If so, then check out our review for what we believe are the best Weed Killers available in the UK at present and each of these can be ordered online and delivered to your home hassle free. You should be familiar with many of these brands already and we have included a range of spray guns options for targeted low volume work as well as options to cover larger areas that need to be sprayed with higher volume doses.

Weed Types

Weed Killers will vary slightly in the main but the type of weeds that they should take care of are annual and deep rooted perennial weeds such as nettles, ground elder, dandelions, docks, thistles and bindweed. Some of the options below will also kill the grass types so you need to be careful which Weed killer you choose – kill all or kill just a selection of specific weed types.

When to Use

As a guide, you should only spray when the weeds are activity growing so that the weed killer ingredients are absorbed and taken in. You should avoid windy days and apply only when the weather is calm which will avoid any accidental spray overs or spill overs. The weeds being sprayed should have adequate leaf cover and try to avoid applying them if rain is forecasted within the next 6 to 10 hours which isn’t always that simple from a UK point of view. If it rains within 6 hours, then a second application may be necessary to get the job done adequately

Disposal Information

Just to raise another point and that is the safety disposal of the Weed killer and the associated packaging. You should never empty the containers into drains, sinks or any other water type areas and never leave around empty packaging in the event that children may pick it up later. It should be included in your standard waste disposal as soon as you have finished with it and make sure they are kept out of children’s reach at all times as they include harmful chemicals and as a result, they need to be treated with respect and care.

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Video Overview – Best Weed Killers

Best Weed Killers in the UK – 7 Recommendations

Option 1: Roundup Total Ready To Use Weed Killer – 1 Litre

Quick Overview:

1 litre size container
For spot treatment weeds
Swift home delivery available
Sold as single or double packs
Larger sizes also available
Ready for immediate use
Degrades into soil afterwards
Kills the root of deep weeds
Results in 2 to 3 days avg
For annual and perennial weeds
Also for patios, paths, edging
7.2g glyphosate acid per litre

Weed Killer Key Points:

  • Our first option that we recommend is the Roundup Total Ready To Use Weed Killer in a 1 Litre container which is ready to be applied without having to worry about adding the correct volume of water mixture dilution. This weed killer gives excellent results which are visible in 2 to 3 days on average and it is designed more for the spot treatment of weeds with its ready to go trigger.
  • Further information and back up support is available by calling +44 (0)1276 401300 to answer any particular query you may have and this brand is a trademark name of Monsanto Technology LLC. It includes 7.2g glyphosate acid per litre in a ready to use solution and it is best to treat the weeds when they are becoming established at the start of the growing season.
  • This week killer is designed to kill all vegetation so you need to be extra careful with the applications and the direction of the spray trigger. It can deal with grasses, docks, dandelions, bindweed, thistles, ground elder and nettles to mention just a few and applications should be applied when you have a calm day (no wind) and when rain is not forecasted for a minimum of 6 hours.
  • Avoid using it on plant or grasses that you want to keep, the best time to treat nettles is late Spring and you should try to keep the sprayer approx. 50cm from the target weed when spraying the mixture. You should also avoid walking on he treated areas until after a few hours when the spray is dried and absorbed onto the weed surfaces.
  • This application is also available in a 5 litre pump sprayer which will cost more but this smaller 1 litre pack is plenty if you just have a number of spot weeds to take care of. Make sure to use safety gloves when using this weed killer and use a face mask covering for your added protection.

Price Guide: Less than £10 @ Homebase UK

Option 2: Weedol Gun Lawn Ready To Use Weed Killer – 800ml

Quick Overview:

Smaller 800ml pack size
Ready to go applications
Sprayer trigger included
For spot weed treatments
Kills dandelions & clover
Plus black medick, trefoil
Mouse ear, nettles, plantains
Daisies, docks, thistles
Avoid windy conditions
Common broad leaf weeds
Won’t harm grass cover
Includes Fluroxypyr & clopyralid

Weed Killer Key Points:

  • Up next we have the slightly more expensive Weedol Gun Lawn Ready To Use Weed Killer with the 800ml pack size which will appear cheaper due to the smaller size but the price is generally more expensive when it comes to price per litre when seen at the time of this review.
  • This weed killer is widely available and the prices at Homebase appear to be one of the best we have seen which is supported with a reliable and fast home delivery service. Unlike the Roundup,  this weed killer can be applied to your lawn as it won’t harm the grass growth so it is deemed a selective weed killer rather than a kill all vegetation weed killer. It works best on broad leaf weeds when they are starting to grow and get established and it works particularly well on nettles, black medick, dandelions, plantains, clover, daisies, mouse ear and lesser trefoil
  • While this is a 800ml pack size, you can also get a 500ml concentrate version which will need to be diluted down further with water. Some of the ingredients it includes are Fluroxypyr, clopyralid and MCPA and the main advantage is that you have the ready to use trigger spray along with the reliable results of killing broad based leaf weeds. As a guide, this should be applied at a rate if 500ml per 10 m2 and the ideal times for applications are really from April up to September
  • Once applied, please avoid mowing the affected areas for 3 days after and also avoid applying it 3 days prior to mowing the lawn. Remove the safety tab, twist the nozzle into the spray position and try to apply it approx. 50cm from the intended weeds

Price Guide: Tends to be less than £10

Option 3: Resolva Xtra Tough Ready to Use Weed Killer – 1 Litre

Quick Overview:

Direct spray application
1 Litre pack container size
Ideal for broad based leaves
Dandelions, docks, thistles
Zero glyphosate included
Break seal & twist nozzle
For spot treatment weeds
Accurate nozzle direction
Apply 50cm from  weed
Larger 3L pack size available
Includes Mecoprop-P 3.75g/L
Can be applied on lawns

Weed Killer Key Points:

  • The next low priced best weed killer that we recommend is the Resolva Xtra Tough Ready to Use Weed Killer in a 1 Litre container pack and again this is widely available across UK suppliers – the ones that we recommend here is Homebase and Amazon UK where the prices are some of the best that you will see anywhere else.
  • This weed killer can also be applied across the lawn killing the weeds while the grass won’t be affected. The types of weeds it works best on are annual and deep rooted perennial weeds and it can work on thistles, dandelions, docks, nettles, bindweed and a range of other broadleaf type weed varieties.
  • It is better to apply from Spring when the weeds are starting to get established so that the leaves can absorb the spray applications which should be directed approx. 50cm from the intended target. Due to the targeted spray on the nozzle, it works great on pathways, patios, gardens, flower beds and around trees and lawn edging.
  • Please be aware that this is a non-glyphosate systemic weed killer so it will deal with the troublesome weeds rather than killing all the vegetation. It tackles the roots and works better than many of the other Resolva weed killers due to stronger type weed killing solution which has Mecoprop-P 3.75g per litre and Dicamba 0.467g per litre.

Price Guide: Also tends to be under £10

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Best Weed Killers – Larger Applications

If the Weed killer spray options above are not large enough to deal with your own Weed problem, then check out the last 2 options below to cover larger type weed areas which are summarised briefly as follows.

Option 4: Roundup Fast Action Weed Killer Sprayer – 3 Litres

Weed Killer Overview:

Pump and go sprayer applications
Results are seen in 2 to 3 days
Treats majority of weeds quickly
Ready to apply from the pack
Degrades in the soil after treatment
Use safety gloves and mask cover
No residues are left behind in soil
Replanting can commence after 7 days
Includes 7.2g glyphosate acid per litre
Ideal for tarmac, patios, pathway, flower beds

Price Guide: Less than £15 @ Amazon UK

Option 5: Gallup Glyphosate Strength Weed killer – 2 Litres

Weed Killer Overview:

For larger areas that need full coverage
Includes measuring cups for dilutions
Also includes safety gloves in the pack
Dilute at 24ml Gallup per litre of water
This covers an area of 40m2 on average
Includes glyphosate 360g per litre
Kills all broad based leaves and grasses
For deep rooted perennial and annual weeds
Effective against dandelions, willow herb, docks
2 litre container can treat up to 3.3k m2

Price Guide: Less than £30 @ Amazon UK

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Best Weed Killer – Herbicide

6,  Agrigem Gallup Home Garden Herbicide 2L

If you prefer to use a Herbicide, then we would recommend the Agrigem Gallup Home and Garden Herbicide 2 litre pack which tends to be on sale for less than £50 when seen at the time of this review. This weed killer is able to manage perennial and annual grass plus broad leaf weeds and it offers industrial strength glyphosate to give excellent results time and time again.

Application is as simple as they come and all the instructions are laid out in an easy to read fashion. It is made by Barclay who are based in the UK so you are supporting your own if you decide to buy. To access all the application instructions, all you have to do is peel back the label on the plastic bottle and if a reliable herbicide is what you are after, then you don’t need to look much further than this in our opinion.

Price Guide: £35 - £50 @ Amazon

Best Weed Killer – Targeting Moss

7, Maxicrop  Moss Killer & Lawn Tonic 2.5L

If you have a moss problem, then we would recommend the Maxicrop Moss killer and Lawn tonic which can be applied 2 times per year as long as the treatments are done 6 weeks apart. It should only be applied when moss is actively growing and applications work best when applied either in Spring or in Autumn time. Applications are done at 150ml per m2, you should apply it 3 days after or before mowing and avoid rainy days or drought type conditions.

After a few days, you will notice that the moss will start to turn black and you should rake this away after a few more days when it suits you. The solution contains Nitrogen 2% and Iron 6% or 16% iron sulphate and it comes with a natural Seaweed extract to help roots and promote good lawn health. Several trials and tests have been completed on Maxicrop so you know you are getting a quality product that can give you reliable results.

Price Guide: £10 - £20 @ Amazon

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After completing this short list of best Weed Killers for tackling your home and garden weed problem, we hope our work here can help you out in some way and give you some ideas to think about when deciding which solution will work best for your own needs. These brands have been tried and tested numerous times over and over again so you can have a high level of confidence when it comes to getting results.

We have included spray options for small spot type treatments as well as spray guns and concentrates that require dilution with water so there should be something here that can cater for your needs be it for small patchy work or larger type weed spray projects. It all really depends on the type of problem you are facing and further information along with updated prices can be double checked below

Educate Others – Feedback

Have you ever used these Weed Killers to treat your own Weeds? Anything good or bad to report or are there other brands that you prefer that you would like to mention?

If possible, please feel free to educate the wider community by leaving your opinions and feedback in the comment box section provided below…

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this weed killer review with us because I have been looking for some in-depth detail on these weed killers that does not give me biased information. Our footpaths are forever causing us problems and these applications will hopefully sort out our problems once and for all – we need to tackle the deeper roots of the weeds as they are always coming back and becoming an eye sore

  2. Hi, I would like to thank you for sharing with us your article. Well laid out and easy to follow, in special my husband as he is with the gardening and weed stuff like this. We have serious weed issues throughout the grass lawn but also around the hedges, borders and the pathways that need to be cleared as the weed problem tends to get worse as each year goes by.  As we have so many varieties of weeds and they are spreading so fast, we will need to apply and incorporate several of these weed killers into our gardening plan, hopefully these products will deal with them once and for all as unfortunately they have become a serious eyesore.

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