Have you got problems with Slugs in your garden, flower beds, vegetable or fruit growing plots? If so, then check out this review for the best Slug Killers which are available in the UK at present which will finally bring a solution to your garden and growing plants once and for all.
Slug Damage
Slugs can cause untold damage after all your great work whatever project you are working on so make sure to check out these solutions that have worked for us and there is no reason why they can’t work for you either.
We have also included an option which is considered to be pet friendly as well as options suitable for Organic endorsements so we hope this list will prove to be useful to you in some small way.
Word of Caution
All of these Slug repellent treatments will need to be treated with care and attention and almost in all cases, you will need to keep them clear away from children and pets – fence off temporary areas with a wire mesh if needed to ensure there are no accidents. Another thing is when the slugs die, the last thing you want is a bird picking up the Slug which has been killed by the treatment and eating it so whenever you see they dead slugs lying around, make sure to dig them deep into the soil or dispose of the pests into your bins to avoid harming any birds in the locality.
Review Work
After reviewing over 20 different strategies and products, we have narrowed our list down to what we believe are the top 5 best solutions that you can use to finally but an end to the misery of Slug damage across your plants and garden layout plans. In addition, we have also included a short video overview which covers the main points and it will give you a better overview of what these Slug Killer options are all about.
Read also: List of best Weed Killers here
Video Overview – Best Slug Killers
Best Slug Killers in the UK – 5 Recommendations
Option 1: Doff Slug & Snail Killer 800g
Quick Summary:
Top rated Slug repellent
Destroys all Slug types
800g pack container size
Suitable for organic plants
OF&G endorsement
Showerproof for 10 days
Home or commercial use
Made locally in the UK
Ferric phosphate pellets
Keep away from pets
Slug Killer Overview:
Our first recommendation when it comes to Slug control is the simple to use Doff Slug & Snail Killer which comes in a 800g pack size and has received numerous positive reviews from previous buyers and gardeners in the UK. Price wise you can expect to get your hands on this for less than £10 when seen at the time of this review and this can be double checked further below.
This Slug killer is suitable for organic plants or gardening and comes endorsed by the OF&G Organic Farmers & Growers certification which is good to know as back up in the background. Another thing is that this brand for treating Slug problems can be use domestically and also commercially and the formulation of the pellets means that it is showerproof for a minimum of 10 days so at least you have some level of protection when it comes to unexpected rain.
It includes a bait for the Slugs which contains 12.5g of hydrated ferric phosphate per kg in the form of pellets and it is also good to know that it is made in the UK which means you are supporting your own when it comes to jobs, employment and domestic industries.
Please note also that this treatment needs to be kept away from children and pets and it is just a matter of sprinkling or laying the pellets loosely around the intended plants to be protected. Slugs will die very quickly, the pellets will eventually degrade into the soil and overall the results seen are very fast and effective
Price Guide: Less than £10 @ Amazon
Option 2: Growing Success Slug Stop Non-Toxic Granules - 2.25kg
Quick Summary:
Easy to pour from box
Non Toxic granules
Home deliveries available
Results are guaranteed
Barrier stopping pellets
Pet and child friendly
Larger 2.25kg pack size
No chemicals used
Suitable for organic growing
Slug Killer Overview:
Our second Slug repellent that we recommend is the Growing Success Slug Stop Non-Toxic Granules in a 2.25kg pack size and this is currently readily available from Homebase UK with price guide information further below. Unlike many other brands, this solution is a chemical free option so it is both child friendly and pet friendly unlike many others that we have seen across the marketplace.
Some people who have pets around to be protected will prefer this nontoxic granule type barrier system instead for extra peace of mind but the results at certain times won’t be as effective as the first solution above. That being said, we had noticed a considerable improvement on the plants when applied exactly as stated on the package instructions
The barrier pellets are placed around the affected plants so a little extra work if needed on your end to plan it all out especially if you have multiple plants to be looked after. It is similarly as good with dealing with snails as well as slugs and the key point again is that they come without any chemicals included.
These granules are suitable also for organic plants and gardening and you can expect them to work equally as good in dry conditions as well as wet conditions alike. There is a larger package available also in a 4.5 litre capacity which will suit those with more plants to treat and you should give this solution some serious consideration if you are extremely serious about sourcing a pet friendly Slug treatment instead.
Price Guide: Less than £10 @ Homebase
Option 3: SlugClear Ultra 3 Pellet Solution - 685g
Quick Summary:
Smaller pack size 686g
Pellet mix application
Order online or collect
Not kids or pet friendly
Lasts for 2 weeks duration
1% ferric phosphate w/w
Granular bait formulation
Effective againist snails
Also red, black & grey slugs
Apply in damp conditions
Sprinkle 8 to 10cm apart
Slug Killer Overview:
Another Slug treatment that works really well is the SlugClear Ultra 3 Pellet Solution which comes in a 685g pack size and you can expect this treatment to last for a maximum of 14 days. It can deal with snails as well as a wide range of slugs such as the Spanish slug, Red slugs, black slugs and grey slugs.
This can be used if you are growing your own organic fruit or vegetables and it contains 1% ferric phosphate w/w or 10g per kg to ensure swift results as part of the bait granule pellet formulation. You can expect one pack to cover an area or approx. 220 to 230 square meters, only one application is necessary and it is applied by loosely sprinkling around the soil of your intended plants for protection.
The best time to apply it is in mild damp conditions (not excessively wet) usually Spring or Autumn or both or when the first signs of slug damage are visible. For the application, they should be loosely spread apart rather than in heaps as a guide would be to have them spread approx. 8cm to 10cm apart (or 3 to 4 inches). So around 140 to 150 pellets should be enough to cover 1 square meter or use it as 3g on average per square meter.
Total coverage will be nearly 230 meters squared when spaced out as required and apply a second application after 2 weeks if the problem still persists. As a guide the maximum number of applications per year is 4 and make sure to keep it away from children and pets both when in use and also when in storage.
Price Guide: Less than £15
Option 4: Ecoefective Ferrimax Slug & Snail Killer - 650g
Quick Summary:
Smaller pack size 650g
Lower priced solution
Swift home deliveries
100% recycled container
OF&G endorsed status
Protects edibles securely
Tackles various slug types
Apply in mild damp settings
Sprinkle loosely on soil
Includes Ferric Phosphate
Slug Killer Overview:
Our next solution for tackling both snails and various slug types is from a brand that you may not be too familiar with and it’s the Ecoefective Slug & Snail Killer in the small pack size of just 650g so the overall costs associated to this tend to be lower so you should be able to get your hands on this for less than £7 when seen at the time of this review.
This Slug Killer needs to be used with caution also as it includes Ferric Phosphate to give the best possible results but again you need to make sure that children and pets are kept clear of it as it is not pet or child friendly. The slugs will die quickly and you should dispose of the slugs afterwards into your bins to avoid any birds in the locality picking them up later.
It is also endorsed by the Organic Farmers and Growers association which is good to know in the background and the packaging used is made from recycled material which again is good to know when it comes to lowering your own carbon footprint and helping the environment overall.
For the applications, you should apply it as soon as Slug damage is visible and ideally in mild damp conditions rather than excessively wet conditions. It should be sprinkled across the soil loosely at the base of the plants you need protected and a guide would be to have them spaced roughly 10cm apart. After a week or two, these granules will break down and degrade into the soil naturally.
Price Guide: From £4 to £7 @ Homebase
Option 5: SlugKil Slug & Snail Pellets - 650g
Quick Summary:
Small pack size of 650g
Treats both slugs and snails
Provides maximum protection
Organic growing approved
Pellet granule formulation
Includes ferric phosphate
Degrades in soil naturally
Apply 5g per meter square
Can be used in wet conditions
Not pet or child friendly
Slug Killer Overview:
Our last recommendation today when it comes to treating these pests is the SlugKil Slug & Snail Pellets in a 650g pack size. This brand tends to cost slightly more than the rest and in some cases tends to be priced over £10 but you should be able to get your hands on it for less than £15 when seen at the time of this review.
This slug and snail killer also includes Ferric phosphate which will degrade into the soil naturally usually after 2 weeks and it tends to hold up better when it comes to wet conditions. Applications should be applied as soon as any damage is visible and it is sprinkled around the soil loosely at an approximate rate of 5g per meter squared.
The treatment comes in a granulated pellet formulation and applications can be used all year round whenever you see visible damage – a guide though would be to apply it maximum 5 times per year. This application is also suitable for Organic growing but again it is not considered to be child or pet friendly.
Avoid applying it to grass surfaces and instead apply it to bare soil around the intended plants to be protected and cover with a light mesh guard if you have any pets around your home. This solution can be used both domestically and commercially by agricultural growers, home deliveries are completed in a matter of a few working days and results are generally seen quickly once applied at the correct rate.
Price Guide: Less than £15 @ Amazon
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After completing our review for treating your Slug and Snail pest problem, we hope this short recommended best list of Slug Killers can help you out and give you some ideas to think about when dealing with your own problem. We have included options which are both pet friendly and non-pet friendly as well as solutions suitable for Organic growing with some lower priced options thrown in as well so there should be something here that can cater for your needs.
Which one would we choose? As we don’t have any pets to worry about, it would have to be the Doff Slug & Snail Killer in the 800g pack size and further information along with todays updated prices can be double checked below
Educate Others
Have you ever used these Slug and Snail Killers to deal with your own problems? Anything good or bad to report or are have you tried something else instead that we should know about?
If possible, please feel free to educate the wider community by leaving your opinions and feedback in the comment box section provided below…

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